Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. --Anton Chekhov

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Wild Goose Chase

In the midst of a quiet day after the storm we were sitting on the (now partially) screened porch discussing the unwanted treetop in our midst when a neighbor and his wife came by walking their dogs. 
The dogs were playing at the water's edge when the youngest, a German Shorthaired Pointer of some eighteen months, felt herself provoked by the sight of Canada geese in the cove and set out to chase them. In the blink of an eye she was nearly out of sight, which set off general alarums and excursions.
The geese swam away, and soon it began to appear that the pup was swimming in circles. Neighbor Peter is a courageous man and loves his dogs. In an instant he had handed someone his wallet and hit the water fully dressed, shoes and all. Our niece Sloane (Excitement travels with her.) headed to the shed to launch a kayak, and I went to help her. By the time she was in the water Peter had almost reached his dog, having walked the entire distance on the muddy bottom. 
When Sloane the kayakmeister reached them Peter had turned Masha the dog around and was bringing her back, their two heads barely visible in the distance, the water close under their chins, and Sloane in the kayak comfortingly nearby.
Since Sloane’s arrival always heralds excitement perhaps I should have a video camera ready for her next visit. 

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